Margo Spellman-Abstract Artist

Born and raised in Seattle, Spellman is an abstract artist and entrepreneur now based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Rooted in the pioneer tradition of the Northwest and the story-telling culture of Irish ancestors who built railroads, re-plumbed a city and led a state, Spellman paints to excavate the truth of her history. This is a personal pilgrimage that grapples with mortality, the soul, the role of women in the world, trauma and transformation.

Of "Collapse of the Colony" Gallery & Studio’s Maurice Taplinger wrote in Nov/Dec 2011-Jan 2012:
“In the tradition of Kandinsky (and perhaps her fellow Northwesterners Mark Tobey and Morris Graves as well) Seattle artist Margo Spellman sees painting as a way to “excavate the truth.” With their softly diffused forms and shimmering colors, her paintings have a searching quality that rewards prolonged scrutiny, producing a meditative sense of calm in the viewer.”

Gallery & Studio's Byron Coleman in 2008:
“Calls to mind not only Turner but that odd American visionary Albert Pinkham Ryder.”

“...abstract painter in the biomorphic tradition of Gorky and William Baziotes."

“A powerful, neo-primitive presence akin to the best works of Rufino Tamayo.”

“That Spellman’s paintings are filled with allusions to the natural world lends them to a quality refreshingly unlike the “airlessness” …of much postmodern abstraction. The connection with nature is a vital one for Spellman, whose forms actually seem to bloom on the canvas like flowers in a garden…Often her compositions are quite baroque as a result of the flowing contours her natural shapes take. And the garden-like effect is furthered by her intrepidness as a colorist, which complements the sensuality of her shapes with a kindred chromatic sensuousness.”

Of "Distillation of a Dilemma" Gallery & Studio's Marie R. Pagano wrote in Nov/Dec/Jan 2014: "...Sinuously fluent brushwork...a splendid synthesis of Western and Eastern techniques..."